Quick and easy bill management
Fed up of household tensions, disagreements with your roommates or significant other or long drawn-out group chats trying to figure out who owes money? Splitting the costs of a shared household can be a nightmare.
Sharing with friends, a partner or even a group of people you met online is increasingly common as house and rent prices continue to rise, so regardless of how reluctant one of your may be to cough up when necessary, you’re all in this living situation together for the foreseeable future. You may as well make every effort to minimise stress while you can.
acasa is a free bill management app for existing house shares that can transform the way you and your roommates split bills and manage the costs of living together.

Automatically split utilities
One of the problems you may have run into in your house share is that the costs you need to divide go way beyond just your utilities. Rent, groceries and plenty of other miscellaneous costs can add up and leave someone out of pocket if not managed in the right way. Even if you’re on top of sharing the costs of gas, electricity and water, other expenses may be making things more complicated than they need to be.
When everyone in your house joins acasa, you can automatically split any shared cost from within the app. You can also customise how this package is divided depending on your specific living arrangements.

Keep on top of your spending
If you’re a young sharer who’s trying to keep their finances together, juggling multiple bills charged to your account at separate times throughout the month can get in the way of your ability to budget effectively. acasa can make a simple yet radical difference to your financial planning with a utility bills package which is charged in a single monthly payment.
acasa’s bills package can include all of your household bills and is divided fairly between your roommates. Everything can be set up in minutes and is billed directly, protecting you from a housemate with a tendency to avoid paying up.
get a free quote from acasa
acasa is designed for anyone sharing a house, from students to young professionals to couples.
With acasa, you can avoid unnecessary conflict around splitting utility bills with our direct billing and balance tracking systems.
Get a free quote for your property and enjoy a more stress-free approach to managing your shared house.